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Tuindorp Vreewijk


2022 - Vreewijk - Rotterdam
This installation was made possible in part by
Experiment Grant Scheme of Stimuleringsfonds and Gemeente Rotterdam in collaboration with Attach Studio and Digital Mass, Interactive Media

Part of the project Performing the City
Artistic Researcher
Chih-Hsun Chien and Landscape artist Janneke Derksen

The installation was inspired by the cigar shop’s old community telephone, as well as the neighbourhood’s public bathhouse. Before the bathroom became a ‘domestic’ part of the household, people used to go to the collective bathhouse. A place where spontaneous meetings took place between neighbours in the past. The bathtub offers the idea to give residents the chance to “pour in” what they want to say and to “be engulfed” by the words of others, all anonymously and spontaneously. The installation has two sides, each with its own function. At the front is the possibility to record your personal story of what you want to “pour” in the bathtub. Some speak, others sing! At the back you can listen to the recorded stories from the front.

The experiment behind the installation

Within the experiment also the location of the installation became part of the experiment. Has the direct context of the installation in the (public)space influenced how the residents experience the installation? Therefore the installation has been placed in various places in Vreewijk since May, 2022.
( around 3 weeks on each location)

Leeszaal Vreewijk, along the main road in the neighbourhood
The concept is simple: you take books that you no longer read to the reading room and you can exchange them by picking out other books. You can then exchange, return, keep or pass on these books. We are not a library. We hope this will promote reading and reading pleasure. We have a library of books for all ages.

Stichting de Uil, in one off the collective
garden surrounded by houses
We help residents of Vreewijk with a low
income with jobs in and around the house.

Wijkhuis De Brink, in the core of the neighbourhood
next to the Brink square
Wijkhuis de Brink is a multifunctional building, where young and old can go for all kinds of activities.
It is the meeting place for the neighbourhood.

De Educatieve Tuin, along the outskirts of the neighborhood
Every season, children from primary school, secondary education, after-school care and daycare can be gardened. Gardens are also available to rent for residents of De Enk.
A beautiful and cozy location,
where you can garden from about April to the end of January.

The experiment of the installation has shown ways of support and connections between the residents and organizations on various fronts. At first the bathtub is a recognizable object
for everyone that was placed in a new context. It became a common curiosity based on the recognizable shape of the bathtub. It opened up conversations and connections without being linked to everyday problems or political topics in the neighborhood.

‘Kan ik een koud bad nemen?’‘
‘’Mag ik in bad?’‘
’’Is dat een badkuip?’‘
‘’Komt er water uit?’‘
‘’Waarom een badkuip?’‘
‘’Moet de badkuip niet liggen?’‘ 
‘’Weet jij wat je met die badkuip moet doen?’‘
‘’Heb je de badkuip al zien staan?’‘
‘’Wanneer gaat de badkuip weer weg?’’

Second, the installation made new connections between the different organizations(locations). Some of the chosen locations are not directly prohibited with each other (target groups). Because the bathtub traveled around,over time it became a recognizable object linked to its location. Out of curiosity, residents were asking what will be the next location, it happened that people did not know the next location. Through the bathtub they came into contact with the organization and activities they organized.

‘’Verkoop je sanitair?’’
(resident walked into the Wijkhuis),
‘‘De Educatieve tuin? Is dat in Vreewijk?’‘
‘’He dat is de badkuip die bij de Leeszaal stond, mag die ook bij ons komen te staan?’ (Wijkhuis De Brink)

Overall the installation was often used by kids in the neighbourhood, and they followed the installation over the different locations. They talked, yelled, and sang! Some of the organizations spoke about the activities they offer, and to invite residents. One resident wrote their story out on paper, and visited the Badthub to record the story.

In the end we can say that bathtub became part of the society for some period of time. It worked to activate a place for young and old, and it connected residents in various ways. Each with their own experience with a common object: The Bathtub

jannekederksen 2025 — Rotterdam, The Netherlands