‘’spaces we don’t live
in but occupy for a
short period of time’’
Strategic landscape artist based in Rotterdam.
She graduated from the The Master Interior Architecture (INSIDE) at the KABK, The Hague and from the Bachelor Landscape Architecture,Van Hall Larenstein,Velp. This combination gives her the focus on analysis and research, in which she creates a framework with freedom for creativity to be able to approach the landscape design question openly. She is a strategic player who develops strong concepts for landscape questions and objects where she brings people and knowledge together in the public domain.
Besides her work as strategic landscape artist she works partime as landscape designer at the municipality of Rotterdam.
KABK alumni profiles
Meet Janneke Derksen
Click here

2018 graduated, MA, Royal Academy of Art, KABK, Interior Architecture, INSIDE, The Netherlands
2016 graduated, BA, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science,Garden- and Landscapearchitecture, The Netherlands
2015 minor, BA, Birmingham City University, Product design, England
2012 graduated. MBO, Helicon, In&-Outdoor design, The Netherlands
2016 graduated, BA, Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Science,Garden- and Landscapearchitecture, The Netherlands
2015 minor, BA, Birmingham City University, Product design, England
2012 graduated. MBO, Helicon, In&-Outdoor design, The Netherlands
jannekederksen 2025 — Rotterdam, The Netherlands